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Oil-and-gas complex facilities

Lifting structures

Buildings and structures
    - Scope of work
    - Cost of work
    - Cost
    - Application

Objects of pressure vessel control

Nondestructive testing methods


Buildings and structures.

Scope of work


Examination of construction units of buildings and structures is generally held in three interrelated stages:
- preparation for examination;
- preliminary (visual) examination;
- detailed (instrumental) examination.
The scope of work and the sequence of steps on examination of structures, irrespective of the material they are made of, include:

Preliminary operations:


Objects: inspection of the object under examination, its volume-design and design implementation, materials of geological-engineering surveys;
- selection and analysis of design documents;
- making a program of work (if necessary) based on requirements specifications obtained from the customer. Requirements specifications are worked out by the customer or design organization, with the executor of examination possibly involved. Requirements specifications are to be approved.

Preliminary (visual) examination:


Complete visual examination of building units and detection of flaws and damage by visible signs, with relevant measurements thereof, and their registration.

Detailed (instrumental) examination:

- work on measuring the relevant geometrical parameters of the building, their parts and components, including application of surveying instruments;
- instrumental determination of parameters of flaws and damage;
- determination of actual strength characteristics of materials of primary bearing structures and their elements;
- measuring parameters of operational environment appropriate to the engineering process in the building and structure;
- determination of actual operating loads and effects received by structures under examination, with taking into account of
deformations of ground foundation;
- determination of an actual design model of the building and its particular structures;
- determination of rated forces in bearing structures receiving operating loads;
- calculation of the bearing capacity of structures following the examination results;
- office studies and analysis of examination results and verifying calculations;
- analysis of causes of flaws and damage in structures;
- drawing up a final document (report, opinion, engineering calculation) with conclusions from examination results;
- working out recommendations on ensuring required values of strength and dimensional instability of structures, if necessary, with the recommended sequence of operations specified.
Some of the specified work may be beyond the program of examination, depending on specific nature of the object under examination, its condition and objectives determined by requirements specifications.
On the customer's request, all the complaints noted in the course of examination are followed by repair.

Completion time limits
The time period spent on the work is on the average 1-2 months. Depending on complexity, location of the object, type of reporting document and other factors, the time limits may be adjusted to both earlier and later time.

The cost of work is calculated subject to the following documents:
1. Reference book on prices for measuring work and examination of buildings and structures. Minzemstroi of Russia, GP Tsentrinvestproekt, Moscow, 1998.
2. Procedure for calculation of the cost of work on engineering exmination of construction units of buildings and structures. 2nd edition МРР-, the Moscow Committee of Architecture and Town-Planning, Gosstroi of Russia, Moscow, 1999.

The cost is calculated individually for each particular case. 50% advance payment is to be stipulated in the contract.


To facilitate negotiations, you are recommended to fill in the following order form and send it to us by fax or e-mail.

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